Saturday, 28 November 2009

Inspiration 28th November: Viewpoint

Tim Hoar has been opening my eyes and introducing me to many publications I have never heard of as well as ones I wouldn't even consider as being relevant to me or my aspirations. 

Yesterday he came to my desk with his arms full of magazines and journals, dumped them in front of me and asked what I thought of them. Now, since I am such a methodical person I then promptly skimmed through each one organising them into different piles ranging from Bad (the left hand side..which included a terribly designed rag which included a pixelated cover image and disproportionate editorial images...whoever the designer is, they certainly haven't ever heard of holding SHIFT when resizing) to Good (the right hand side, of which there were only two magazines).

One of the ones which was lucky enough to make it past my scrutinous eye was Viewpoint, the bi-annual trends, brands and futures forecasting journal.

A few things about Viewpoint

Editor: Martin Raymond
Creative Director: Christopher Sanderson
Art Director: Benjamin Alder
Editorial Manager: Charlotte Coote
Price: £45..yes it's practically as expensive as the briefcase I'm carrying it in right now

This issue in particular focuses on the current Burlesque revival in many aspects of design from fashion to product and interior with some incredibly directed photography of Sex Toys in which the kinky items have been placed in amongst everyday appliances, somewhat breaking the taboo of masturbatory aids by presenting them as your commonly used appliances. The one of the glass dildo in the cutlery drawer is a particular favourite. 

The magazine's internal style alternates throughout, with some clean, geometric spreads perfectly aligned to the grid, to 'scrapbook' pages which connotate both your college sketchbooks but moreso Courtney Loves' diary "Dirty Blonde" published by Faber and Faber in 2006. 

Editorial style is snappy, succinct but without being too brief, the longer articles dont drag out or go off into that bogged down, boring territory where things get far too technical and complicated as many other 'trade' related journals tend to be.

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